'The Tackifier' Blog by FindTape

'The Tackifier' Blog by FindTape

Adhesive tape news, issues and commentary


Why Consider Athletic Tape?

athletic tapeThere are a great number of people who engage in sports. This is good considering that a passive lifestyle could lead to a large number of health problems. However, one thing that is associated with sports is injuries, and you may need athletic tape. At one point or another you will find that since you have sustained an injury or one of your loved ones is injured. So, what exactly is athletic tape and why should you consider it?

Athletic tape is a form of bandage that has adhesive qualities. As such, it can be used for a myriad of things. If you have sustained an injury on your wrist or your ankle, the athletic tape can be used to keep the joint in place. It would be pertinent to keep the joint immobile so as to ensure it heals well and in the shortest time possible. Usually, this is done by bandaging the joint with a regular bandage then covering it up with athletic tape, which will hold the bandage in place. However, this colored athletic tape is not only used for injuries.

For people who play sports that require the use of a bat or some other prop, the tape can also come in quite handy. By having this tape around your palms or on the handle of a baseball bat, you increase the amount of grip that you have thus ensuring you can play your sport better. This makes it great for hockey sticks and other sports bats too.

Athletic tape will come in a variety of types. Your choice of this colored athletic tape depend on a variety of things. For instance, what you plan on using it for, the type of support that you want, the levels of comfort that you are seeking as well as the amount of time that you plan on wearing it.

The main difference between athletic tape is whether it is stretchy or non-elastic.

Stretch tape: this tape is generally used to apply pressure to injuries like a compression bandage and to provide support. It is typically coated with a rubber based adhesive which sticks well to surfaces or only to itself if it is a co-adhesive tape. It also allows for flexibility and range of motion.

Non-elastic tape: this tape is used as a pre-wrap before a sports activity. It is made of cotton and as the name suggests, it is not stretchy and provides a more firm support.

No matter what type of athletic tape you decide to use, you can find it at FindTape.com.

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